
Drooling Whisper Frantic Moon is a sacred space to explore the divination of tarot, herbs, scrying and ritualised habits within the natural, elemental and ethereal worlds. A place where one can experience the simultaneity of being-with all things in every moment as it is; already perfectly on purpose.

Witchery for deva avatars allows for all doors to open into the one room where messages alight and messengers delight.

This is the part where I am supposed to confess of my tragic coming apart that has led to some re-freshing self-realisation and how I plan to share this all with you, now, in the hope of your own finding. Un.fortunately, that’s not how I operate. As a deva avatar (or maybe just as I am) there is no beginning point I can speak to and no sense of shift in perspective that has come from grace or self-made necessity. All I have is the way I have been, always in all ways. So let’s start there!